
Using computer, good points and bad points

Using compute, we can get a lot of information. It’s very good point for us. And using computer, we can edit various things. We can even hand in our assignments with computer. In society need someone who can use computer. So it's important for us to be good at using computers. Bad point is that information may use bad way. Recently, I think that personal information don't protect so hardly. Society come that we have to protect our information. We should teach personal information rashly and we can get the more good society. We have to use computer more carefully.(100words)

Busy day...

Today June 24th, it was very busy for me. At first, I took a first period. I'm usually good at get up early in the morning but recently was not. Every day I have to get up at 6 thirty but today I got up at 7 o'clock. You may think its good, but not for me. It's important for me thirty minutes in the morning. I prepared for school hastily. And in the afternoon, I took a class for playing volley ball. I like this class because I enjoy playing volley ball very much. I sweated all over. At that time, I was very very tired!!! And I have to be interview for studying abroad in the evening. So I practiced it with my senior. She had studied abroad and taken interview. I respect to her. As a result, I could be interviewed so so. I wish I had practiced very hard. In finishing interview, I took English conversation class. My friends didn’t take it today, so I was alone(;n;) But I like this class so I didn’t care. After that, I was interview for part-time job with my friends. We could adopt suddenly. It took about an hour. At last I could go back home. It was about nine. I was very tired and hungry. In the night, I went to bed at 10pm without taking a bath. I wish tomorrow is free…But my daily is written a lot of schedules. I have to test for studying abroad again. I have to work part-time. I have to do assignments. I realized that sophomore is the busiest in grade. But I must do that now. Summer vacation will come soon I want to hang out a lot!! Wow------------------!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me--------------------- (≧∩≦)ノ!!!!!!!!!!!!

Self Introduction


My Recently...

I think that I must do my best every day. But I don’t do my best recantly. In University, I have a lot of time so I can do various things. I have to study hard but I don’t so much. I hate such mine(;o;)Until graduate from University, I want to get various Official approvals such as Eiken, TOEIC, Secretary official approval and so on. For coming true my dream, I want to do that I can. At first, I have to lose weight…And I start to study a little bit. And I want to be alive with smile.(103words)