

Yesterday, Welcome party for 1st grade was held at Matuya. A lot of people who belong to each club came there. At first, I did reception no sooner came all of guests than started party. And 1st grade stood stage and they introduced their selves. Only boys had to do performance Ippatugei!!!!! Their figure that they let the guests laugh hard desperately was very very cute. We second grades dealt out beer and juice to each guest. We didn’t eat dinner that time so we were very hungry. But I felt good because guest seemed to be happy. Finishing the party, we cleaned the room quickly and we started to drink. I enjoyed way too much. I talked fourth grades who I love a lot. Basically I like senior so I was very awesome. All of their opinions were very adult I respect them. And I want to be such as them. I want to hang out with them again. Baba-i★(160wards)total4177wards


My memorable day in my life

 A memorable day in my life is to have belonged to volley ball club. I belonged to it since I was a junior high school student for six years. Every day I practiced it in school. The day when we were scolded by our teacher is my remember day because I hate to be scolded. But I usually liked a teacher. When we played the game, our junior gave talisman to win the game to us. Even though we looked to lose the game, we never give up winning the game. I though that I became to be patient. This time I could get a lot of friends. And we are all good friends even now. In my high school days, I also belonged to volley ball club. It was different from learning how to practice in junior high school and high school. Level was high more in high school than junior high school. At first, I surprised very much but I could grow more. I like to serve a ball. So I practiced play volley ball in the morning. I love playing volley ball. I suppose that I belonged to volley ball club was change me. If I didn’t play it, I think I couldn’t make a lot of friends, I like to exercise and I was fine every day. Like that volley ball change me. Now I play soft volley ball once a week and I attend a class for volley ball at University. In the future, I want to connect volley ball something. And I want my children to play volley ball.(265wards)


Day Hike

May 17th, I walked from KGU to Ezu Lake with Sanpo club. We walk three times a year. During walking we talked and we could get friendly more. It took about an hour and we ate lunch together. Eating lunch, we play catching ball. I’m good at throw a ball. So I enjoyed very much. Some people rode boats. Every time, some people fly on the bridge, but this year don’t have this event. I wanted to watch it. After getting school, I was very tired. I don’t exercise every day so I supposed to have to exercise. We will be muscle pain tomorrow. (104 wards)